Interaction Design – Colouring Book

These are some of the colouring book pages to give a general idea. It will start of with a blank outline of the ‘WonderCreature’. The child will have to go and find it in real life and once they have found it use the pen to pick up the colour of it and then colour it in in their digital colouring book. If they get the colour wrong the ‘WonderCreature’ will animate on the page and tell them that they got it wrong and ask them to try again. Once they have got the correct colour the ‘WonderCreature’ will animate again and praise them and tell them an interesting fact about themselves!

At the end of each category, all the ‘WonderCreatures’ from that category will come together to praise the child, they will then go onto the next category. When they have completed all three categories, all of the ‘WonderCreatures’ that they have coloured in will come to life and congratulate them on finishing the book. I think this will help the children to engage and relate more to each ‘WonderCreature’ encouraging them to want to learn more about them.

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The final page will be for the adults (parents or teachers). The child will return the iPad back and there will be a page where the adult can fill in their email address. By doing this they will able to receive their child’s digital colouring book for free, via email.

I think my UWonder series is a very simple but engaging concept for children. By making it a fun and magical experience it encourages kids to want to learn more about the outside world and interact with it, which is what I want to promote.

Interaction Design – Instructions

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This would be the first page that shows up when the child receives the iPad. It will have the UWonder logo along with the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens logo. They can touch anywhere on the screen in order to start the digital colouring book. It will then go onto the menu page…….

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Here the child will be able to select a category. In each category there are 5 ‘WonderCreatures’ to colour in. For example in the first category there will be 3 fruits to find and 3 veg to find, the second category they will have to find and colour in 6 different types of flowers, and in the plants and trees category there will be 3 tree species and 3 plant species to complete. Once they select on of the categories it will go onto the instruction pages… Each category they click on will go straight to the Instruction page, however they are able to exit the instruction page by clicking the X in the right hand corner to carry on straight to the colouring. The instruction pages below give the child a step-by-step guide on what they need to do to complete the colouring book and how to use the pen correctly.

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The first instruction page is the key. Here is where the children can find the meaning for each icon and ‘Wonder term’ used throughout the colouring book. I have kept everything within the same colour scheme (previously discussed) to keep unity throughout the colouring book – all natural colours to help set the botanical garden feel.


Interaction Design – iPad cover

iPad cover

I designed a cover for the iPad, because it is for kids, I thought I needed something for the iPad to be protected throughout the experience. I chose a simple iPad cover design that is practical and not too distracting. I have the logo on the front and on the back, as well as one of the characters on the back to make it a bit more fun. I chose a bright green colour as it fitted in with the colour scheme and thought it would grab the eye. At first I thought I would have a paint palette holder for the iPad, however after further research and tests I felt that this would be a bit awkward for a child to hold, especially if they want to turn the iPad around to colour at different angles. It would also be more costly as there would need to be two types of paint palettes developed – one for right handed children and one for left handed children. In the end I thought a simpler design would be more practical and less distracting.

Interaction Design – Wonder Series

Focus : Botanical Gardens/Forests

Problem : Children are not interested/bored easily of learning about different species

Solution : Interactive pen and colouring/information book

Groups of children go on a school trip to a botanical garden/forest and get given an interactive pen and colouring book.

The child will find each specie that is in the book. Once they find it they will touch it with the pen, which will pick up it’s exact colour through a colour scanner/sensor and the child will have to colour in the specie exactly how it looks in reality.

Once they have completed the colouring, the book will reveal a fun fact about the specie.

Name : UWonder – because kids are always intrigued by new things, making them wonder.

Brand – Kew Royal Botanical Gardens

The UWONDER Series :

WonderPen – Digital colouring pen

Bluetooth pen that charges in ten minutes and gives five hours of use

Connect pen to iPad by pressing the green button three times

Hold the green button down and touch the specie to colour identify and once the pens ‘magic’ has identified the correct colour it will light up

Colour in the picture on the iPad

Simple, fun and safe

Species – WonderCreatures

In each category there are 6/6 characters to colour

Visual Concept 1

This is my visual concept for the UWonder series. It is just the Logo and a small tag line with an image representing the idea.  I wanted to make it quite a magical idea, where children are intrigued to learn…