Interaction Design – Problems & Solutions

Hospital Problems

Quality food, patient entertainment, hand sanitiser, waiting time, staff attitude, paying for parking

Hospital solutions 

Interactive menu, online updates of waiting time, interactive sign board , app – play games with other patients, I-pad with finger print recognition to reveal patient history, robot sprayer for hand sanitiser, machine you can go into to update you on your health/diagnosis (minor injuries)

Train station Problems

Train delays, waiting time, boredom on trains, overcrowding, Heat/ventilation, oyster top up, exact change when topping up, tube strikes, tube closing times

Train station Solutions

Robot spraying air freshener, interactive maps, interactive window ads, app – play games with other commuters that are going to the same destination

Museum Problems

Not enough/too much info on the placards, lack of noise/too much noise, not very stimulating (still objects), people that are visually impaired cannot read information/placards, confused orientation, never enough toilets/not enough sign posts, lack of food/expensive food, getting lost as groups, overcrowded, lack of colour, guides are boring, lack of preview (not knowing what is inside), more tools to appreciate art/objects

Museum Solutions

Directions on how to appreciate art, Glasses that bring art to life and give you information, conveyor belt for objects with head phones to tell you about each object that comes around, moving platforms that takes group of people around the museum to avoid getting lost, moving vending machines, sounds from pieces (Especially in the Natural History Museum), hologram people to give you directions/information (matching the theme/era of the pieces)

Forest Problems

Signal problems, lack of light at night, not being able to recognise different species/plants, litter, getting lost, deforestation, toilets, shelter, food/water, interest in forests

Forest Solutions

Drones for safety – incase people get lost, solar charging in forest, little robots to tell you about species, app to tell you about species, pens that kids can have to pick up different colours from plants/flowers and colour in books, tag dangerous species with a specific colour so people know

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