Low Carbon Project – Initial Ideas!


Pitching for the 2016 Low Carbon Entrepreneur competition

Brief :

“We’re after your bright ideas to help reduce carbon emissions in London. Your idea should be original and practical. You should also be clear about how you plan to develop your idea and ultimately turn it into reality. Remember that carbon is emitted from pretty much every action you take everyday – the way you travel, what you eat and what it is packaged in, the water you use, and the clothes you buy. Could you find a better and smarter way?”

Initial Ideas :

2 pipe system in new developments – Each new development in London can be equipped with a two way piping system.

One pipe will be for ‘clean’ water to shower, drink, dishwasher etc.

Second pipe will be for secondary/‘dirty’ water – the water we have used for our shower, dishwasher etc can then be reused for the toilet/washing machine (dirt can be slightly filtered)

Heat detectors – Houses can install heat detectors which detects heat to know whether you are in a certain room. If not it will automatically turn off the lights in that room

Cooking  Food packaging can have a special bar code that the oven can scan and set exactly the right temperature saving as much energy as possible.

Initial stages – ‘Final Idea’ (to be refined) :

Home carbon controlling app

An app that sends you a notification that alerts you if you leave the house and have left a light/heating/gas on so that you can switch it off from the app.

The app will contain different categories for heating, water, gas, electrics – in each category there are facts on how to be more carbon/energy efficient in those areas

The app will tell you the temperature of your house and alerts you when it gets to a certain temperature so that you can turn the heating off

There would need to be some kind of sensor in the house, maybe a ball that changes colour depending on the temperature of the house (red = too hot, blue = too cold, purple = just right). Otherwise a sensor that can be fitted into the ceiling of your house that has sensors as well as a thermometer and is able to control heating and electrics.

Grouping :

In order to make this idea work, I will need to have a strong design team. Myself and Elizabeth came up with the initial idea, but will need help with the design and build.

Product design student – someone to help create the actual sensor for your house and helps with the app development and ideas.

Graphics student – to help with logo design and overall look of the app

Motion graphics student – to help create the app

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